School children

School children

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

The Book Fair is Here!

This week we have a book fair in our hall. On Tuesday we had a look around the book fair. We picked out some books we liked.

Then teacher read this story Whiffy Wilson, The Wolf who wouldn't go to School.

On Wednesday we wrote I like books in our new writing copies. We also drew a picture of Whiffy Wilson and Dotty. We did our best because teacher has a voucher to give to the best writing and picture together. Ms Carr and Ms Gavin are the judges. She will tell us the winner tomorrow.

We all did such a great job. 

Don't forget we can buy the books Thursday and Friday after school!

Drumming Fun

Last week a special visitor named Neil came to visit our school. He brought loads of drums along with a range of other instruments such as tambourines, agogos and wood blocks.

We had a go playing many of the instruments. It was so much fun, First we made noise with the instruments, then we played to a beat and soon we were able to play a rhythm. Our favourite rhythm was 1, 2, 3, make a cup of tea.

When we got back to class we wrote we play drums in our copies and then we drew pictures of the instruments. We did a great job!

Saturday, 4 April 2015

Happy Easter Everyone!

We made Easter bunnies using Easter Egg shapes.

On Friday we had a half day. We had a ceolchoirm (concert) in the hall. At the end we were so surprised when the big girls in sixth class started singing and dancing to Uptown Funk. They were soon joined by third class. Then the mixed first and second class joined in!

After the ceolchoirm we all went out to the yard to perform the dance. This time we joined in before the end! It was so much fun! We did our best to copy the dance moves!

Before we went home teacher gave us some Easter carrots!

Happy Easter everyone!